Temasek Foundation
Overview and Objectives
  1. Temasek Foundation champions sustainability and innovative solutions to improve liveability in an abc World of active and productive economies, beautiful and inclusive societies, and a clean and cool earth.
  2. We fund and support ideas and innovations that bring about solutions, systems and capabilities to address various challenges, particularly environmental, healthcare and other adversities affecting the population as whole. This includes transforming vulnerabilities brought about by such adversities into opportunities.
  3. Temasek Foundation is currently conducting its Call for Proposals.
  4. Interested parties can submit their proposals via our online Intent to Apply Form.  
  1. Temasek Foundation supports the last-mile translation, adoption and scaling of innovative and cost-effective technological solutions that improve health.
  2. Solutions that seek to deliver positive health outcomes (e.g. early detection and prevention of disease, improved patient outcomes and experience, better affordability, reduced burden on caregivers and healthcare providers) are eligible for funding.
  3. Solutions that are ready for implementation or trial in an operational or clinical setting are preferred (i.e. Technology Readiness Level 6+, or Healthcare Translation Level T3+).
  4. Solutions that address needs in all segments of the continuum of care are eligible for funding, including but not limited to:
    • Risk stratification, early detection, and prevention of disease;
    • Disease diagnosis, treatment, management and rehabilitation; and
    • Infectious disease surveillance, prevention, diagnosis, and response.
  5. The following types of work will not be funded:
    • Basic or mechanistic research
    • Productivity enhancements in care delivery workflows
    • Training and employee welfare programmes
  6. Solutions that have secured local implementation partners (e.g. healthcare clusters, community hospitals and nursing homes), are economically sustainable, and benefit a large population segment will have an added advantage during evaluation.
  7. Solutions can originate from within or outside Singapore, but the work to be funded (e.g. pilot or evaluation trial) should be conducted in Singapore. 
  8. Evaluation will be conducted based on the “Desirability, Feasibility and Viability” criteria, as delineated below:


    Does the solution benefit a sizeable segment of Singapore's population? How effective and impactful is the solution in delivering positive healthcare outcomes? How does the solution complement existing care and support mechanisms?


    Has the solution achieved regulatory approval in at least one country, or if not, is it close to regulatory approval? Is there clinical evidence for the solution’s efficacy? Is the solution sufficiently mature (i.e. Technology Readiness Level 6+ and Healthcare Translational Level T3+)? How well does the solution fare against competing technologies? How will any safety, ethics or regulatory requirements be addressed?


    Is the solution financially sustainable and commercially viable? Can the solution be scaled (e.g. across hospitals and healthcare clusters, across geographical boundaries)? Does the solution inform and transform healthcare practice or policy norms?

  9. Funding from other sources and grant institutions will be considered during evaluation. Temasek Foundation may seek verification from applicants for the proof of application to other institutions, where applicable.
Application Guidelines
  1. Proposals submitted should contain all relevant information required for a proper and complete evaluation without the need to go back to applicants for additional information. Relevant privileged or confidential information should be disclosed if necessary to help convey a better understanding of the proposed project. Temasek Foundation reserves the right to reject applications deemed incomplete.
  2. Details in the application form which applicants are expected to complete include (but are not limited to) the following:
    1. Details of the applicant/company;
    2. Profile of lead Principal Investigator;
    3. Project duration and other details;
    4. Current issue in Singapore to be addressed and proposed solution;
    5. Competitive advantage of the solution;
    6. Impact of the solution;
    7. Commercial application of the project and potential implementation or industry partners; 
    8. Declaration of other funding support;
    9. Detailed write-up of the project;
    10. Proposed budget and use of funding;
    11. Payment milestones; and
    12. Project outcome indicators.
  3. All applicants must comply with relevant ethics and other regulatory approval requirements needed to carry out their project. 
Funding Support
  1. Temasek Foundation’s decision on the fund support to be awarded for each project, or part thereof, is final.
  2. For successful applicants, the funding quantum awarded for the project will depend on the extent of work to be carried out. Funding
  3. The project duration can be within or span more than one year, up to a maximum of three years.
  4. The funding support requested for should exclude contributions in kind, existing equipment and the cost of existing manpower, as well as building costs. All expenditure should be budgeted inclusive of any applicable Goods and Services tax at the prevailing rate.
  5. Qualifying expenses which will be considered include but are not limited to the following:

    Basic Manpower Costs

    Salaries plus employer’s Central Provident Fund contribution, excluding bonuses. Founders’ salaries will not be supported.

    Professional Services

    Includes consultancy, sub-contracting or prototyping costs by third-party local companies.

    New Equipment/ Software

    Includes purchase price, and costs related to commissioning and operation (e.g. delivery, installation, handling, etc.). Only technical software related to the programme/project is supported.

    General Purpose Information Technology and Communication Equipment

    Only if deemed necessary for work related to the project.

    Intellectual Property Rights - Materials & Consumables

    Includes licensing and technology acquisition costs from non-related parties.

    Other Operating Expenditure

    (Subject to Approval)

    Examples include: Economy class airfare and other travel costs which are directly related to the project; training by external parties intrinsic to the project; patent-related costs; rental of specialised equipment or facilities, and indirect costs (e.g. shared overheads), etc.

Progress Reports, Reviews, and Final Reports

All successful applicants are expected to submit progress reports in accordance to the stipulated milestones. Temasek Foundation reserves the right to request progress reports more frequently when necessary. Final reports on the overall achievement of the completed projects must be submitted to Temasek Foundation within three months of their completion.


Temasek Foundation decision to approve or reject an application or revoke any approval given shall be final, and Temasek Foundation may approve or reject an application without giving any reasons.

Changes to Guidelines

Temasek Foundation reserves the right to make changes to the above application guidelines as and when it deems fit.

Applications and Enquiries

  1. Applicants are to complete the online Intent to Apply Form.
  2. For enquiries pertaining to the Temasek Foundation Call for Proposals, please contact [email protected]